The 2020 Ling Cod Season opens up this Friday May 1 and we are looking forward to hitting the water to fish for this prehistoric looking but yet sometimes beautiful bottom feeding fish.
Ling Cod are actually not true cods they are greenling’s and can grow to weigh over 80 pounds (35 kg) Sometimes measuring 60 inches (150 cm) in length, they have large mouths with 18 razor-sharp teeth. Dark brown or copper blotches arranged in clusters dominate their variable colours. One of the Pacific Coast’s most prized saltwater species, lingcod feature an elongated body with a large head.

Fishing for Ling Cod is an exhilarating experience. These bottom fish can put up a good fight as you bring them up from the depths. They make for excellent eating, their white flesh offers a taste and succulence similar to Halibut and cooks up sweet and delicious.
Ling Cod is commonly used for fish & chips and fish tacos but is also delicious pan fried, broiled or poached. As well, Kelly has an amazing recipe for Tomato Coconut Cod Curry that she highly recommends.

Ling Cod can be caught throughout the year subject to Fisheries Regulations. We are still hoping for a season despite Covid-19. A reminder that we are waiving our 30 day cancellation policy if fishing charters cannot be rescheduled and need to be cancelled as a result of Covid-19 mandated restrictions. Contact us to discuss your Ling Cod Charter options!
Don’t delay! Contact us for more information and to book your adventure of a lifetime!