Our Guides are fully committed to your fishing experience… Northwest Saltwater Adventures’ guides carefully select their charter equipment and tackle. All of our fishing gear and tackle come from top manufacturers, known for their quality construction and durability. Our guides are continually looking for ways to further improve your success on the water. They monitor industry trends, trial new lures/tackle, and continue to strive to learn new tricks of their trade while maintaining their tried and true methods demonstrated to show results. We regularly maintain our equipment to ensure that it is in top working order when you hear your call to the rod! Contact us today to book your adventure of a lifetime and create your lasting memories!
Top Quality Gear = Results Our guides use only the highest quality gear to ensure your success on the water. Smooth single action reels provide you with a true experience. Our high quality fishing rods give you the best rod action. You will feel the thrill of the power of your catch even hundreds of feet below your boat.
High quality gear – gives you maximum advantage when playing your catch!
Custom Bait Table If there is one thing an experienced guide knows it is what makes a great bait table. Designed and built by Guide Royce this custom bait table has everything close at hand to keep your gear ready for water…we all know you can’t catch fish without lines in the water!